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来源:学宝公务员考试 | 发布时间:2020-01-20 20:19:15 |  访问:9916











2.报名方式:登录深圳大学人才招聘平台(网址: http://zp.szu.edu.cn/ ,建议使用360极速浏览器或谷歌浏览器),使用邮箱注册账号,收到激活邮件并激活,登录系统后在招聘岗位页面可以查看所有开放的岗位详细信息,选中自己拟聘的岗位,点击“申请岗位”,然后完善自己的简历信息并提交。每位应聘者最多可以申请三个岗位。具体报名方式请参看《教职工招聘系统操作手册(应聘者)》(附件2)。
































shenzhen university talent recruitment in 2020(second recruitment)

shenzhen university (szu) is a fast-growing public university located in shenzhen, china’s most successful special economic zone. according to the overall planning of the university, szu welcomes applications for 53 teaching positions in various disciplines. job opportunities will be open till march 15, 2020.

teachers recruited in 2020 will be subject to the tenure track; some positions which only require a master degree will be subject to the management system of full-time academic faculty. the assistant professor’s salary is no less than 370,000 yuan per year. the applicants should be under the age of 35, but the age requirement may be relaxed for urgently-needed talents and special talents. age limits for talents with the title of associate professor and full professor can be relaxed to 40 and 45 years old respectively. qualified candidates may be considered for appointment as associate professor or full professor (for the application procedure, please refer to article 16 of measures on the evaluation of faculty for appointment and promotion of shenzhen university (for trial implementation)).

interested parties are invited to refer to the shenzhen university teaching position recruitment plan in 2020 for current openings (see attachment 1, hereinafter referred to as the “plan”). relevant information is hereby announced as follows.

i. requirements

1. candidates should have the qualifications stipulated in this announcement and the plan.

2. candidates should have background in related disciplines as specified in the plan and have obtained the level of education in the required major as stipulated in the plan.

3. only the age and work experience up to the date of march 31, 2020 will be considered for the application.

ii. application

1. applications are open till march 15, 2020.

2. to apply, please log in the e-recruitment system of shenzhen university at http://zp.szu.edu.cn/ (it is recommended to use 360 speed browser or google browser). the steps are as follows:

?create a user account with your email. you will receive a system-generated email after your registration. click the activation link in the email to activate your account.

?click “apply now” for the position that you wish to apply and fill out the online form in details.

?click "submit application".

each candidate can apply for up to three positions. please refer to faculty recruitment system manual (for applicants) (attachment 2) for further information on the online application procedures.

because the e-recruitment system is in chinese, foreign applicants can send their c.v., positions that they wish to apply, and contact information to the human resources department at szuhr@szu.edu.cn.

iii. interview

1. interview panel

each unit will set up an interview panel consisting of no less than nine representatives from the professor committee of each school. independent research institutions also establish an interview panel in the same way.

2. candidates

all units will comprehensively evaluate the candidates including academic background, work experience, academic achievements and development potential. no less than two candidates should be shortlisted for the interview for each position. in the case that there is no suitable candidate among the applicants, the recruitment of the position can be suspended. each unit is responsible for notifying the candidates of the time and venue of the interview.

3. interview

the specific interview details are determined by each unit and should generally include the following parts:

(1) candidates should deliver a trial lecture of the courses related to the applied position;

(2) candidates should report his/her academic and research achievements;

(3) candidates should respond to the questions raised by the interview panel;

(4) the interview panel will score the candidates based on the trial lecture, research experience and achievements, and development potential. the average score will become the final result of the interview.

4. applicants should submit the following documents for review at the interview:

(1) c.v.;

(2) id card (original copy for verification and one copy for submission);

(3)academic and degree certificates (original copy for verification and one copy for submission); (domestic graduates who have not yet obtained the diploma should provide the recommendation form, the original transcript and the original copy of the academic and degree certificatesof the last obtained degree; candidates from the overseas should provide certificates certified by the ministry of education of the people’s republic of china. candidates who have not obtained the certification should provide documents including the transcript, a certificate specifying his/her academic status and graduation time issued by the candidate’s institutions, and a confirmation letter from the chinese embassy or consulate;

(4)three articles (electronic version) published by the candidate as the first author or corresponding author in the past five years with proof of acceptation and journal indexing record (including jcr partition table by the chinese academy of sciences, impact factor number of citations);

(5)professional and technical qualification certificates if any;

(6)other supporting documents to the position;

(7)documents on achievements, awards and work experience (optional).

notes: (1) candidates must apply for the position in accordance with the requirements of the posts. candidates who fail to meet the requirements will not be shortlisted for the interview. (2) all documents provided by the candidate must be complete and genuine. incomplete and false documents will lead to failure in application. falsification will be recorded and reported to the municipal personnel department, under which candidates will not be allowed for employment in any government departments and public institutions in shenzhen for 5 years. (3) candidates must provide an accurate contact number so as to be reached in time.

iv. recruitment results and announcement

the human resources committee of each school will submit a list of qualified candidates to the university based on the interview result (same to the independent research institutions). the professor committee in charge of personnel of the university will deliberate and determine the candidates to be hired. after the approval from the university, the proposed candidates will be announced on the recruitment website for comments for 7 days.

v. employment

if no complaints about the proposed candidates are received or the complaints are unfoundedor do not affect the employment after verification, the employment procedures will be completed within one year after the announcement. candidates who fail to report to the university on time will be deemed as a waiver of the employment and will not be accepted.

for inquiries, please contact the human resources department via telephone at 0755-26536111.


1.shenzhen university teaching position recruitment plan in 2020(second recruitment)

2. faculty recruitment system manual (for applicants)

human resources department, shenzhen university

jan. 20, 2020

附件1:深圳大学2020年第二批引进教师岗位计划表(szu teaching position recruitment plan in 2020-02).xlsx


推荐:更多2020年广东深圳大学第二批招聘教师公告 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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